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Wednesday 15 January 2020

Resolution or Revolution?

Welcoming in the New Year

I have been in recovery mode this past few weeks and I can tell you that I do not like to have to sit still for very long. When I was a kid in school, I spent hours looking out the window praying for recess!  I love to be working in my studio, but I also love to be outdoors. So this forced break has been a real mental health challenge, but it has brought me to look at my inner self in a deeper way which is not all bad. I have done a lot of SoulCollage work which keeps me a little bit sane. For a while there I had limited use of my shoulder and hand and no lifting, and that, I am happy to say,  got me out of shovel duty at just the right time!  

So I am a bit late in getting the word out about the classes in Lumby, but it couldn't be helped.  After giving it much thought, I have decided to forgo teaching this month as my old body needs more time to heal so I can come back with renewed strength and more ideas for you.

As to SoulCollage, I am waiting to hear back from the RDNO about a grant application which would pay for room rental at the rec centre.  Those wheels move slowly, so hang tight. 

However, I am leaving you with a fun little exercise for the New Year for you to try.  Many people make New Year's resolutions and I can honestly say that I have never kept a one for very long.  So how about something a bit different? What would be one word that would be a help to you in the coming year?  Not sure what it is? Try listening to the meditation link below and see what word pops into your head. Don't over think it.  What ever pops in first is the right word for you!  My word for 2020 is FLOW and I am certainly following the flow of my body and it's recovery right now. No rushing it says, nourishment it needs as it has been through a lot lately.

Here is a link to this lovely meditation on your word for 2020 from Jeanine Sande  Guided Word Meditation

I invite you to then take some time just for yourself to write the word on nice paper and tangle around it.  Or if you want you can collage around it or find photos that speak to that word. You can do free form like I did in the depicted examples or try this cool video by The Tangled Yogi, Romi Marks in which she carefully instructs  you on how to create a beautiful tangled frame around your word.  Tangled Yogi Video

If you do this exercise, please take a photo and send it to me at or text to 250 938 4308.  I'd love to see them and it would lift my cabin fever spirit too!

Hope to see you soon. Until then, take good care.

Warm regards,


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