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Tuesday 3 December 2019

Goodbye - Hello!

Hard to believe that another year end is on our doorstep.  It has been an exciting year for me and Colour Garden Studio.  The usual ups and downs mixed with good connections with people near and far.  

Word is getting out there about my classes in Lumby and my online classes through Zoom Video conferencing are fun and well attended.  I love that I have connected with people in the North America, Europe, Australia and India.  It's a privilege to get a tiny glimpse into their lives, What a remarkable technology that allows us to connect in this way over a common interest.  I am still amazed by it all when it works well!  Such connections matter more and more in a challenging and changing world. 

I am one of those who are very fond of Boxing Day, when it's all over and I can sit and digest all the experiences and food without having to do too much, (except open the fridge).  It's also a time when I can take a look back at the previous year and look forward to the next. Sometimes, I am glad a year is gone and look ahead to the New Year that holds it's promise of things to come.  A threshold in time.

Have you ever heard of an Idea Bank? Well, that's a spot where you write down all your ideas,. It could be on your device or in a notebook or journal.  I have a journal with a tab I have labeled IDEAS. They all go in there, the good, the bad and the meh.  In about October I had an new idea.  I want to introduce more people to SoulCollage in a gentle and fun way. So with the largess of the White Valley Community Centre, I hosted the first FREE SOULCOLLAGE SATURDAY, card making session.  Instead of a fee, people were asked to bring items for the Lumby Food Bank and they gave BIG!  

There were 9 of us in all and we sat for an afternoon, cutting and pasting images that grabbed our attention.  I endeavor to make this a monthly session on the LAST SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH until it warms up then we can decide if we want to continue through the spring and summer.  It was a great afternoon of Soul tending and I hope more will join in the fun next year. 

There was lot's of colour about for the Zentangle TangleTown Workshop in November too.  A full class of happy tanglers learned how to use tangles in a cute winter scene.  

Just about every year around this time, I look for ornament designs.  So this year, I discovered a different one and am offering a NEW workshop; The Spinning Zentangle Ornment on Saturday, December 21st from 9:30 to 12:30 at the White Valley Rec Centre in Lumby.  As usual all supplies will be included.  Click on the Classes and Workshop Tab to find out more and sign up and pay online. 

Warmest regards to you and yours for a safe and cozy Christmas Season,
