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Thursday 5 November 2020


Having Fun with Ideas

Ever wonder where I get my ideas for classes and how they transform?  

Well, the next Make a Splash Zentangle Class is coming up this Saturday, November 10th at 10 AM Pacific and I have been working hard on the format as I want to include new techniques that are different from my previous lessons.  

So this is how this one came about. Many months ago, my friend Nancy Domnauer and I got our heads together and presented a joint Zentangle Workshop online.  I wanted to offer something different and had been noodling around ideas of tangling with paint splatters for some time. So that was the moment and it was lot's of fun to do and teach.  

My first ideas were pretty simple....keeping with in a flower form. 

Then adding a bit more shading and details....

Then inviting the abstract and fooling around with resists....

For this upcoming class, of course I wanted to kick it up a notch and came up with a design that remined me of standing stones....

Then I expanded on that idea....

Then in my TangleTuesday Free online class someone said that the above image reminded them of birch trees and I married it with some new watercolour techniques I learned this summer and....TADA!!!!  We now have Make A Splash Treez! 

So that's where I am at so far and you never know what I might discover between now and Saturday. I want to share all these discoveries with you in class and I am excited to see where it takes you! 

Some people have asked me if this technique is messy?  Well a bit yes, but most fun does involve some mess, right?  I would call it a controlled mess and I give you pointers on how to prevent mishaps from occuring so hopefully that will give you some confidence to try it.  

You don't have to have any painting experience to do this and it can be done with any water medium, from watercolour to acrylics to inktense... all are invited to the party! 

Want to give it a go?  There are still spots left for Saturday and here is the link to tickets:

Any questions, or would like to sign up another way. Please let me know.

Keep well my friends.