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Friday 15 March 2019

SPRING SPRoINgS Slooooowly.....

Some years it seems like spring will never come. So here I sit in the middle of March looking at the snow piles that surround my house....harumph!  Very thankful that the walks have cleared so I can walk upright again without the watch-for-ice shuffle.  Now don't get me wrong, I do love winter as I love to ski and snow shoe in the smokeless air. But.... by about the end of February I am ready to get my hands in the dirt again and feel the warm sun on my skin.

Winters can be hard on bodies, especially as we age. (just ask a snow bird)  I find that in the winter my joints are certainly less than supple.  We are so fortunate to have someone in Lumby who can help us to move better and make peace with gravity.  

When we first moved here, my body was pretty stiff from moving boxes around and my low back was very cranky.  I did the usual to try to relieve it, yoga, massage, heat, ice, SI belt, acupuncture and all provided temporary relief which I was grateful for, but none helped me more than when I attended a Feldenkrais Class in Lumby.  I had taken classes before lead by my physio years ago and decided to give it another go. I met Carie Bicchieri, the Feldenkrais practitioner and after one class with her, felt much better and  with repeated classes felt better and better.  So now it is my go to when any body part feels stiff or stuck, which is pretty much....a lot.   Feldenkrais involves no stretching or aerobic activities, just gentle sequencial movements within your range of motion, so that you unwind slowly and gently.

I noticed just how light and relaxed my body felt and how clear my brain was after a Feldenkrais lesson, more so than with yoga (which I still do and enjoy).  Then the wheels started to turn, how to marry Feldenkrais with my Art For BEing practices like Zentangle and SoulCollage, into one BIG WORKSHOP??  So I approached Carie and she was game to try. 

Together we have created a day of  Relaxation and Fun where we Carie will lead you in a gentle Feldenkrais lesson and I will lead you in the Creative Play side of things using Zentangle, Collage, and lots of Colour!

We are Calling it a SPRING BREAK FOR BODY AND SOUL and hope you will join us on Saturday, April 13th.  Click on the Workshop tab and you can see more and sign up! 

Wishing you warm Spring Days!