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Tuesday 12 June 2018


Some things can take a long time to come into being and this class is certainly the case.  You see, a couple of years ago I met a Mandala Mamma who introduced me to the fun and sometimes deep work of Mandala making.  From there I was hooked and of course encorporated tangles making many Zendalas,( including the one pictured above which I did on a Spring Equinox).  From there, I took an extensive year long Mandala workshop online from a gal in Scotland under the title Mandala Magic.  I did it with two other friends and we would gather monthly to go over our insights and artwork. My take from that experience, is that Mandala work effects people in unique ways, and that the turning of the circle can gently churn things up; making what mud that was settled deep inside brought to the light.   By completing a Mandala we work on ourselves by either working inside outwards or from the outer edge inwards.  It really is magic how it unwinds old habits that we no longer need.

Ever since then I wanted to present a class in Mandala, but how?  Well, it came about that Christine, the Queen of our Community Centre in the small village where I live, told me how they really need programs for families and could I come up with something? So more ideas were tabled, but none seemed quite right to me.  That was until one day syncronisity happened!  I was in Kauai early this year and saw a notice by someone offering Mandala Classes for Families!  Voila! Perfect!

Now it was down to deciding what to teach where all ages could have fun together?  I really thought hard on this one and perhaps over thought it (I do that).  Just when I was going to give up, I thought what is the simplest Mandala?....A Circle....and the next simplest?  A Sprial. So I drew a Sprial and from that one line, ideas flowed into Ani-Mandala where we will combine Mandala with Animal forms for FUN!

So hop on over to the Classes page and find out more about this cool class in July designed for everyone, including families! 

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